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Outflow temperature - Hydronumerics Q&A
0 votes
in AEM3D by (790 points)

I do not have a good estimate of reservoir outflow temperature data and AEM3D crashes without it. Is there a way that I can run AEM3D without supplying outflow temperature (OutflowScalars.dat)? Why does AEM3D require temperature for water released from within the reservoir?

Thank you so much,


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (11.6k points)
Hi Seyoum,

Outflows and inflows are solved in the same code in AEM3D (ie an outflow is treated as a -ve inflow).  However temperature and other scalar values for positive outflows (or -ve inflows) are not used. If your outflow is always positive you can just set up a file with a dummy temperature that spans your entire simulation period and it will have no effect on the simulation.

Something like

3 data sets
0 seconds between data
0               2         2           2
2001001.000     10        0           0
2010001.000     10        0           0
by (790 points)
Thank you so much.
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