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Error reading 3D file - Hydronumerics Q&A
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in HydroHub by (790 points)
I generated a 3d output file with the following lines added to datablock.xml file.


When trying to open it with HydroHub, I get the following:  "Error opening file See error log for more information" The log does not show  further info other than the time when the Error was generated: 14:59:16 ERROR:

This happens when running the old version hydroHub Lite:

Version: 1.0.0
 Build Number: 68
 Built: 20170303 1030
 Built By: hnadmin
 OS: Mac OS X (x86_64

The newest version of HydroHub could not start at all showing this error: "Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error:

 Could not find the main class: hn.hydrohub.gui.HydroHubGuiMain. Program will exit"

Thank you for the help.


1 Answer

0 votes
by (11.6k points)
Hi Seyoum,

Hydrohub cares about the order or XML elements so All3D should be near the bottom of the file for HydroHub to validate it.  AEM3D doesn't care about the element order though.

Can you try the latest HydroHub download, you may need to update to Java 8 to get it to work though.


by (790 points)
Thanks a lot.

I did try the newest Hydrohub download and it worked with Java 8 for 2D outputs but it shows the same error for 3D outputs. Here is the code  in the datablock file I used.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
by (11.6k points)
Hi, that content loads OK when I put it in a file here.  Does your file have a ".xml" extension?
by (790 points)
edited by

Yes it does have that extension and I used notepad++ to write it. Moreover, I successfully read using hydrohub the "" file which was created simultaneously as the 3D files.
by (11.6k points)
Sorry, I misunderstood the question.  HydroHub doesn’t currently load All3D nc files you will need to process these in Matlab or some other NetCDF reader.

It’s a bit harder to do these files as it’s not always clear how users will want to visualise the 3D data.

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