I use new wq model for AEM3d.
I setup wq_interval _2 in run_aemd3.dat and ts_file_timestep = 2 in run_wq.dat.
1) when setting up ts_file_timestep =1 and 3 in ./wq_files/ts_surface_st1.dat and ts_surface_st2.dat, respectively. I could not get ITS output files.
2) when setting up ts_file_timestep =2 and 3 in ./wq_files/ts_surface_st1.dat and ts_surface_st2.dat, respectively. I could get ITS output files for both sites as time steps of 3, 6,15,21,....
This is a bit confusing. If only setup timestep in each ITS setting file, it is easier.
I might be wrong. I hope Chris could clarify this setting.