Hi Chris,
2 questions please:
1) I have a reservoir model with 4 rivers inflowing. Their 4 BCs are defined as paths. These paths run from a cell adjacent to land, all the way to permanently inundated cells. River A and B give "non valid BC..", "inflow ignored" from the first time step. After trying a few things I realised that, starting the BC path a cell away from land, all rivers start flowing in well, but when a big peak flow is supposed to come in, rivers A and B stop flowing. (Note; peak flow>big WL rise and wind speed;cyclone conditions)
2) An outflow cell will give the same (invalid bc) problem sometimes, other don't, depending in where I place it. I have tried cells at different depths and distance to land and cant see any pattern. Any suggestions on what can be the problem?
Thanks in advance.