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Surface is too high for domain - Hydronumerics Q&A
+1 vote
in AEM3D by (170 points)

I'm learning with this model, and I started with a canal with a grid of 500x500 meters in dx and dy. I just gave a force by tidal in my north boundary. But I I have the next error:

12:25:40  INFO: |                 STARTING AEM3D RUN                        |   
12:25:40  INFO: =============================================================   
12:25:40  INFO:  Aquatic Ecosystem Model 3D (AEM3D)                             
12:25:40  INFO:  Hydronumerics PTY LTD                                          
12:25:40  INFO:  
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d built:                      2018-02-08 08:48:08
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d built on machine:           windows10slave
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d built on os:                WINDOWS_64
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d built using compiler:       ifort
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d built using debug level:    0
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d built using compiler flags: /traceback /O3 /QaxSSE4.2 /Qprec-div- /Qipo /nologo
12:25:40  INFO:  
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d Build Version:              1.0.0
12:25:40  INFO:   aem3d Auto Build Number:           190
12:25:40  INFO: Simulation Started : 2018-09-12 12:25:40
12:25:40  INFO:  * NOTE: DEFAULT_BC is TBBL


12:25:40  INFO:  ***** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR *****
12:25:40  INFO:  * in subroutine get_surface_and_bottom_maps
12:25:40  INFO:  * Surface is too high for domain: Face c
12:25:40  INFO:  *   Column:          1 i:         2 j:         2
12:25:40  INFO:  *   Height:    0.500E+00
12:25:40  INFO:  *********************************************************

Can someone help me?

I changed the bathymetry, and de width and length of the canal but always I have the same error.


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (11.6k points)
The surface height has gone up to a level of 0.5m relative to your bathymetry datum.  This is greater than the total height of the domain (bottom of your bathymetry plus the sum of your dz).

You will need to increase dz or add in more layers.

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