Hi Chris. I am simulating a reservoir that has very large changes in the surface level, so the inflow changes its bc location. So far I have been using flow_multi_sides to define the thalweg and, also, INFLOW_MAXDEPTH with the aim to set the inflow bc which actually would be contribuing to the mass and momentum. However, the slope of the river in the entrance is very small, so I am not sure if the entire mass (and the momentum) is being distribuided in several cells. Should I use Inflow_mindepth as well?. Is my interpretation correct?
(1 day later) I want to complement my question by using one figure [see the link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dqaw7PeExcYgvnAgQqgEQ8n5fC69ZAd5/view?usp=sharing). I defined the flow_multi_sides from cells 1 to 6. At time T0 the surface level was such as high that the water comes from cell # 6 to cell 5 and, then, to the remaing cells (H in the cell 5 was higher than INFLOW_MAXDEPTH = Hmax). It means green arrows indicate the flow from bc and blue arrows are the flow computed by the NS equations. At Ti the bc moves from cell 6 to cell 5 as the water level dropped, it means the water mass comes from cell 5 to cell 4 and, then, to the remaing ones. I want to know if I understand this process correctly. My concern is about the mass and momentum distribution in different cells from bc. If, for example, the H (estimated by the model) is higher than the H-max in two cells defined as multi-sides (let's say cells 4 and 5 at time T0 in my figure) I suppose the algorithm must define the entrance only in cell 5, it means the water from outside just comes from cell 6 to cell 5. If the above is correct, the model would not distribuite water mass (from bc) into cell 5 and 4 at the same time (see green arrow + yellow arrow), decreasing the momentum at the entrance, which is my concern. Does it make sense?
Thank you in advance
Ricardo RB