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FATAL ERROR: Insufficient data - Hydronumerics Q&A
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in AEM3D by (790 points)
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I am getting the following  FATAL ERROR while running aem3d (most recent build):

*subroutine get_tsfile_values_at_time

*Insufficient data in file infiles/Inflow.dat

Simulation runs well through 12/30/2018 (2018364.000) but suddenly ends when it starts on the last day of the simulation 12/31/2018 (2018365.000). Like all other boundary condition files, Inflow.dat ends on 2018365.000. Weather data ends on 2018365.958.

Any idea to resolve this is greatly appreciated.


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (11.6k points)
Hi, AEM3D does not extrapolate boundary condition data beyond the end of the data given in your temporal bc files.

If you want to simulate beyond 2018365.000 you will need to provide data for all bcs until the last date you want to simulate to.

by (790 points)
Thank you Chris. I don't want to extrapolate. I want to end simulation on 2018365. The problem is that aem3d is not computing the last day which is 2018365. Is there a way to specify simulation end date?

Thank you
by (11.6k points)
Your last data point is at the start of the day (2018365.000) so the simulation will stop here.  You will need to provide data up to the end of the day.
by (790 points)
My last date on the data is 2018365.000. Simulation started in 2017 and error appeared after 2018364.00 was computed and I want the simulation to end without error on 2018365.
by (790 points)
I set all my data to 2019001.000 and still the error appears after 2018-12-31 simulation was completed. Instead of ending simulation the application attempts to compute for 2019-01-01.
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