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Calibrating aem3d - Hydronumerics Q&A
0 votes
in AEM3D by (790 points)
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I just migrated a well-calibrated ce-qual-w2 setup to aem3d but the two models diverged on both water quality and hydro results. I believe that is because the aem3d parameters are not optimally defined (model not calibrated). Parameters in the download folder files may not be optimal and I need to redefine the parameters. Right?

Is there any documentation that guides through successful calibration of aem3d (hydro and water quality)? I am running CAEDYM as water quality model.

1. What is/are most sensitive parameter/s for controlling stratification conditions (onset time and depth of thermocline)

2. What is the most sensitive parameter for controlling evaporation volume?

3. What is the most sensitive parameter for adjusting DO in the water column?

Thank you so much


2 Answers

+1 vote
by (11.6k points)
Calibration is a bit of an art form and a thorough understanding of the processes occurring in the water body is required.

In general, there isn't too much that can be done for calibrating the thermodynamics, usually, the most important thing is having good forcing data.

The biggest factor for oxygen is usually the sediment oxygen demand.
0 votes
by (790 points)
Thank you so much Chris.
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