I have been using the AEM3D - CAEDYM, the model ran without any problem when I set the initial conditions varying horizontally for chlorophyll but I have the follow error when I set the initial conditions varying horizontally for Sea Surface Temperature:
12:06:35 INFO: Step: 1/54720 SimDate: 2018-01-01 00:00:00 (2018001.0000) Time: 12:06:35
12:06:35 INFO: ***** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR **** FATAL ERROR *****
12:06:35 INFO: * in subroutine get_surface_and_bottom_maps
12:06:35 INFO: * Surface is too high for domain: Face c
12:06:35 INFO: * Column: 2280 i: 64 j: 17
12:06:35 INFO: * Height: 0.398E+04
Thanks for the help!