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HydroHub does not correctly show information with the variable "outflow" defined in datablock - Hydronumerics Q&A
0 votes
in HydroHub by (440 points)

Hi Chris, I defined the option Outflow (in each outflow BC) in the datablock with different global variables; i.e Temperature, Tracer_i, Retention_T, etc. When I plot the variable outflow in Hydrohub it looks OK, but when I try with other variables I get numerical values of 1e-17 (whichever case except for outflow).

any suggestion?

Ricardo RB

2 Answers

0 votes
by (11.6k points)
Hi Ricardo,

1e-17 is the NaN value.  OUtflow scalars will be set to this when the outflow is 0.

0 votes
by (11.6k points)
Hi Ricardo,

I've just updated the HydroHub lite download so the  1e-17 values will now appears as NaNs

by (440 points)
Hi Chris. Thanks for paying attention to this issue. Well, I downloaded the Hydrohub version (20200203) for my Windows (64 bits, even 32 bits) but it does not work correctly. When I open Hydrohub, the screen freezes in "init" (the first step when it is charging the files, I guess). The last version does open correctly (20190815).

Ricardo RB
by (11.6k points)
Sorry, I missed adding in a new library dependency to the lite build.  Should be all fixed now.
by (440 points)
Thank you Chris, it's now working fine and the outflow scalars as well. (BTW, it could be helpful if you add, in the future, log-scale axes for plotting). Anyway, thank you again!.

Ricardo RB
by (11.6k points)
Log y axis plots are actually doable using the XML plot configuration files.

If you create a plot then from the Figure File Menu do View Plot XML Configuration.  You get an xml configuration file.

The plot properties for log y-axis is something like

        <yLimits>[1e4 1e6]</yLimits>

Click the plot icon in the XML editor toolbar to plot again.

Right-clicking on the editor and select Show XML Schema to see all available options.

by (440 points)
Thank you Chris.
by (100 points)
Hi Chris, I'm a new user from Griffith Uni...

I have the same issue with the latest version (build 20201118 1705). Never makes it past the 'init' ;)
Cheers, Simon
"Hi Chris. Thanks for paying attention to this issue. Well, I downloaded the Hydrohub version (20200203) for my Windows (64 bits, even 32 bits) but it does not work correctly. When I open Hydrohub, the screen freezes in "init" (the first step when it is charging the files, I guess). The last version does open correctly (20190815)."
by (11.6k points)
Hi Simon, which version of Java are you using.  HydroHub only currently works with Java 8

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