AEM3D crashed complaining about netCDF with the following error.
"CheckNCStatus: An error occurred whilst executing netCDF command NF90_DEF_DIM. This occurred in procedure CreateNCDimension while operating on netCDF entity S.
netCDF staturs value = -54
forrtl: severe <157>: Progeram Exception -- access violation"
My bathymetery has a dimension of 107x143x92. Is the executable limited by number of arrays it is handling?
When substituting the RoundLakeBathymetry data, which has a much smaller dimensions, the program works well.
The preprocessor also failed for a bathymetry of dim 529x709x92 but worked perfectly when its dim was reduced to 107x143X92 and I suspected if the executables don't have dynamic array definition.
Your suggestions are appreciated.