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in AEM3D by isabel.caballero@tropwater.com.au (280 points)

Hi HN Team,

I have a couple of questions in AEM3D, thanks in advance for your guidance.

1) My model crashes giving the below, any idea what is it?

  aem3d Build Version:              1.0.0

  aem3d Auto Build Number:           112

Simulation Started : 2016-11-25 10:17:40

 * WARNING * unknown key  in run_aem3d.dat



210 getElementsByTagName bc


(I used as a template to write my run_aem3d.dat the run file provided in the download folder and added the license line).

2) Every time I re-start a simulation I have to previously delete the ncfiles folder and unffiles folder, is this the way is supposed to be in AEM3D? If I run from the command promt, I delete those two folder, and the re-run starts, but if I run the model from Hydrohub, even if I delete the nc and unf folder, I still get the error "A subdirectory or file ncfiles exist" and "A subdirectory or file unffiles exist".


1 Answer

0 votes
by dallimor@hydronumerics.com.au (11.6k points)
selected by isabel.caballero@tropwater.com.au
Best answer

Check your dynamic bc files to ensure they are valid.

"getElementsByTagName bc"

Is trying to find the xml element with the key bc.  

You may not have changed you root element of the file from ELCOMDynamicBC AEM3DDynamicBC.

by isabel.caballero@tropwater.com.au (280 points)
Thanks Chris, you were right about the root element. I did the change in the datablock.xml but not in the dynamic bc xml. Thank you!
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