Hi HN Team,
I have a couple of questions in AEM3D, thanks in advance for your guidance.
1) My model crashes giving the below, any idea what is it?
aem3d Build Version: 1.0.0
aem3d Auto Build Number: 112
Simulation Started : 2016-11-25 10:17:40
* WARNING * unknown key in run_aem3d.dat
210 getElementsByTagName bc
(I used as a template to write my run_aem3d.dat the run file provided in the download folder and added the license line).
2) Every time I re-start a simulation I have to previously delete the ncfiles folder and unffiles folder, is this the way is supposed to be in AEM3D? If I run from the command promt, I delete those two folder, and the re-run starts, but if I run the model from Hydrohub, even if I delete the nc and unf folder, I still get the error "A subdirectory or file ncfiles exist" and "A subdirectory or file unffiles exist".